• Ride Distance: 10.6km or 6.50 miles
  • Difficulty Level: Hilly
  • Gradient Description: Easy (some short road sections)
Map, Ride 3 Conwy Castle and Deganwy View

Description of Ride –

This ride starts at the shop and proceeds along the busy but wide Gloddeath Avenue towards West Shore. From here to route picks up Sustrans route 5  alongside the beach and then on a dual use pavement along the A 546.  From Deganwy village ride across the railway crossing and pick up the cycle track which hugs the estuary coastline with wonderful views of the estuary and hills beyond. 

Cycling into Conwy across the old suspension bridge and through the walled town. Here you can follow the quayside on the cycle/walkway towards the Marina or take the new cycle track through Bodlondeb woods to the Marina and boat launch/car park  area where you have a wonderful view back toward Deganwy and the old Deganwy Castle. Return the same way or use the alternative route through Conwy.

Points of Interest - 

West Shore coastline and Views of the Great Orme, children’s playground and boating lake. Deganwy and Conwy Marinas. The original suspension bridge across the Estuary,  Conwy Castle and walled town. The Merchants House in Conwy is well worth a visit.  Cafe’s pubs and restaurants in Conwy and the Marina. From the view point near Conwy Marina you look across to the medieval Deganwy Castle which is now just rock and stone.

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