The area is most famous for the Marin Trail (Gwydir Mawr and Bach). Developed some 30 years ago and sponsored by Marin Bikes California, this was one of the first single track bike trails in the UK and has some historic significance in the MTB world.
Gwydir Mawr is 25 km in length and combines some great single track with sections of forest fire trail and is graded red (hard). There are big climbs and big descents, and amazing secenery. A real trail to remember and to be taken seriously. The trails can be accessed from several points. The official start being at Saw Bench car park near to Llanwrst. You can ride the trail starting from Betws Y Coed proceeding passed Cunninghams outdoor shop along Forest Road to post 51 where the single track can be ridden in an anti clockwise manner. Gwydir Bach (8.7km) is a shorter version of the main route but still remains a technical route for experienced riders.
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